Are You Sure You Dont Have Sleep Apnea? – News Articles About Health

The airway may be opened up and released. For some, however it is the case that the air pathway gets closed in such a way that the air does not get into the lungs. In this case, the brain wakes up which activates muscles which keep the air pathway open; this is commonly referred to as sleep apnea. A lot of people ask whether they are suffering from sleep apnea; what are the indicators?
The first symptom of sleep apnea may be the sound of Snoring to the point that the person who is snoring can wake those in the vicinity of the person snoring.
Another symptom of sleep apnea could be fatigue all day. It is caused by interruptions during sleep that result in sleep disruption and alter their sleeping patterns. Choking throughout the night can be caused by sleep apnea. In the event that a person is unable to continue breathing, this is known as sleep apnea.
Certain people may experience the sensation of dizziness due to sleep apnea. Why? Why? Because their brains didn’t receive enough oxygen during their in sleep.
Sleep apnea may also trigger dry or sore throats due to the fact that, in an episode, the person must breathe via their mouth. 2hqq5zktmy.