Tips for Hydroseeding – NC Pool Supply

business and residential homeowners are looking into the possibility of hydroseeding. It allows people to rapidly and efficiently grow grass across large areas of land. Take a look at the video at close of this post for more details.
There are numerous misconceptions surrounding how the process works. For example, many customers are under the misconception that they can take an hose and pour water on the field in order for grass to grow.
But it’s not the case. Hydroseeding is a method of spraying seeds over the ground. Not just spraying water onto seeds already growing in the soil!
What are your top tips for hydroseeding success?
If the customer is brand not familiar with hydroseeding before, they will ensure they have enough seeds for the area they’re covering.
The seeds recommended for 1,000 square feet of land are five pounds, but when a person is not sure regarding their needs it is best calling a retailer for advice and then provide the customer with a quote on their particular idea.
You will need fertiliser. They can choose from many kinds of fertilizers available on the market. But, if they don’t know which one would be the most suitable for them you can ask for advice from a seller.